Friday, September 14, 2007

Well, one good thing...

This shuffling has let me see people who I'm not sure I paid attention to before that I will be glad to pay attention to now that I've seen them. (does that sound right? Someone hand me a bigger shovel!)

Anyway, looks like efx2blogs will be back soon and we'll all be two-stepping it over there to set up blogs again, but I've decided that three blogs are better than one used and one ignored (actually, I have another one I've used only once and I don't see me going back to it ever, but...) so I'll need to REALLY update my links soon. Wonder just how many links you can put on the sidebar? ;)


Kelly Ann said...

Haha I have seen some people online having pages and pages of links its nuts! I bet you'll be fine with a gazillion links too. :)

Anonymous said...

Howdy. Got your link from my wife. Thought I would poke in and say hi.

Nice layout.

etainne said...

testing . BTW I like the look too!